■ Membership System ■

Consulting コンサルティング
We offer free consulting before making your profile. We prefer to consult in person with members but we can also consult by E-mail, Skype or LINE depends on the member's convenience.

Suggestions ご提案
We offer various suggestions for your successful relationship towards International marriage.
In regards to the members who live in Japan, we offer suggestions on ZOOM and LINE.

Introducing ご紹介
We match and introduce suitable members upon your requests and profiles.
In regards to the members who live in Japan, we provide ZOOM Date or LINE video talk to communicate with other members.

Start Relationship お付き合い
After introduced and mutually liked each other, your relationship starts. For the long distance relationship, the couple will start from Skype or LINE dates. We suggest the fashion, make up & hair style, date locations, restaurants, activities and so forth for successful date!

Exclusive Couple 公式カップル
If both members decide to date only each other and commit their relationship, they become a exclusive couple and grow their relationship towards the goal. Our goal is happy marriages within 3 months after becoming Exclusive Couples.

Success ご成婚
When the exclusive couple mutually decide to get marry, please kindly contact us and we will process the successful marriage. We also arrange your wedding and honeymoon trip as you need.
We truly look forward your happy marriage!
Membership Fee 会員料金について
Regular Member:
Registration Fee $1250
Annual Fee (up to 2yr) $1200
No Introduction Fee
登録料 - 1250ドル
年会費 - 1200ドル
Casual Member:
Registration Fee $1250
Introduction Fee $100 per member
登録料 - 1250ドル
ご紹介料 - レギュラー100ドル / ゴールド(8~15万ドル)150ドル / プラチナ(15~50万ドル)200ドル / VIP(50万ドル~)300ドル / セレブ(100万ドル~)500ドル
Success Fee $5000 per couple ご成婚料 カップル毎 - 5000ドル